
Hallöchen, ich bin die Kimberly, 22 Jahre alt und ich hab in das Team gefunden durch meinen sehr guten Freund Marco. Ich unterstütze das Team in Sachen Design und Werbung sowie Social Media. Das Projekt liegt mir sehr am Herzen und ich finde es muss noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit bekommen.

Marco Mitter

Founder of the Event

When I was 8 years old, my mother died of cancer.

My german shepard Jane was always there for me in this harsh time and supported me. She sensed every second how I was doing and she knew when she had to be and where she had to be to take care about me and my family.

This experience influenced me so much, that I decided to help other people as well.

My profession is my vocation: I am now 10 years working in the ambulance service.

But at a point this was not enough for me: I didn’t want only to react, I wanted to be active:

I wanted to help people with cancer that lost their hope, courage and strength.

Jan Schlüter

Hi there!

I am Jan Schlüter, 37 years old and a “gamer form the start” (Doom, Quake, Half-Life and Unreal). Around a year now I am part of “Die Eisernen Löwen” and support my clanfriend and colleague Marco. The project lies close to my heart and naturally I wanted to support it in the graphics/photo section.

Henry Yeung

Hey folks!

In World of Tanks my name is Zhenwu and I was blogging a while for a german Wargaming leak website, before the site was closed. We held some community meetings, where I also met Marco and we got friends very fast, since we don’t live away far from each other and I was interested and excited about his idea of a charity stream. In the beginning I was only a consultant and was asked for my opinion during the brainstroming process, but this turned into the person who is responsible for the english speaking part of the charity streams, mainly because I am part of the WoT RDDT EU Community. My goal is to promote this charity stream in the english speaking community of WoT/WoWs.

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Micheal Emrich


Hello, I am Michael and as a hobby I am playing occasionaly online games, in which I met Marco and his clan “Die Eisernen Löwen”. He told me about his charity event and I made him the offer to help him with the domain and webspace and support the project.